Global Leadership Network Summit

The Global Leadership Summit is your opportunity to access a wealth of leadership insight from a world-class faculty ready to equip and inspire you—no matter where you have influence. Join us in a movement of more than 400,000 people learning together in 120 countries this year. This resources page is designed for you to download the Program or the Digital Notebook as well as get familiar with the Online GLS Experience. Scroll this page to find valuable information for your event now. focus on leadership development.

Familiarise yourself with the Online Platform

The GLS Online Events have been designed to offer you a world class experience. We want to invite you to familiarise yourself with the BIGMARKER online event platform and therefor invite you to watch this short demonstration video. Alternatively please scroll through the rest of this page for more information such as the digital notebook as well as the event programs



Access all GLS Video Content - FullHD More than 40 Languages - OnDemand Streaming Service.
Continue your learning with talks from the full Summit faculty. Identify individual and team development goals and use this resource to help advance what matters most to you and your organisation.


When it comes to leadership development we all have good intentions, but distractions abound. Yet, research says learning happens most effectively in community…a team setting. That’s why we partner with 1536+ sites in 124 countries to bring the Summit to your local community. In fact, we work year-round to ensure your Summit experience is the best possible for you and your team.

We are committed to creating a world-class environment that enhances your Summit experience.

Speaker's Resources

Welcome to the Post Event Free Resources Section. Here we have created easy to download PDF documents for each speaker. Please browse through the Speaker Resources to download The Speaker Session Notes, Session Outlines Document, Discussion Guide and even some Extras


Digital GLS Notebooks

No GLS will be the same with you having your own Notebook to write down new ideas and key learnings. Please download your notebook that relates to event you are attending for GLS21:

Frequently Asked Questions

Global Leadership Summit Rwanda

Regular price: VIP Rate: RWF 80,000.00, VIP Group Rate: RWF 60,000.00 , Normal Rate: RWF 40,000.00, Normal Group Rate: RWF 25,000.00, Student Rate: Rates not applicable

Attendees who register online will receive an automatic e-confirmation. Those who register offline or by telephone will receive a registration confirmation through email or SMS within 24hours

Team rate of RWF 60,000 per person for VIP registration and RWF 20,000 per person for Normal registration

Yes, please call us at +250788663464. We are here to be of service to you.

2 Days event Summit: 2nd & 3rd November 2023:

Yes, you can book for selected hotels or accommodation by emailing us on

Unfortunately No. Registration fee covers the entire conference. One day registration is not available.

Yes. Registration will open as early as 2 hours prior to the beginning of each day's session.